Watch former hurler Dessie Fitzgerald recount the day an injury changed his life

The have published an interview with former Charleville hurler, Dessie Fitzgerald, who suffered a spinal cord injury in 2011 while playing for his club.
Dessie's life was changed after the horrific injury which happened on October 8, 2011, in a county semi-final against Kilbrin and he recalls the day it happened.
In the interview, Dessie said: “I can remember the event, where it happened, I can even remember the corner forward from Kilbrin going to hit the ball on the ground, hoping to score a goal. I remember just sprinting back and saying to myself, ‘I need to save this, I need to get to this and not let them score before half-time’.
“I remember the impact of the whole thing as well. Initially, I was in a daze for a few seconds and from then on knowing that I couldn’t feel from my shoulders down.”
He talks of his battle afterwards to recover from the injury and his determination to "greet his bride on his feet rather than from a wheelchair at the altar in Charleville Church".
We also see Dessie return to the pitch where the life-changing injury happened.
"The memories I had of that pitch beforehand were of a fit, healthy young man, very athletic and keen on sport. That was the last time I was there," he said.
"This time I was going up there, having been in a wheelchair and then on crutches. Walking out on the pitch brought it all back."
Charleville GAA Club launched The Dessie Fitzgerald Injury Fund on Friday night and fundraising events include:
July 12: Bucket Collection at the Munster SHC Hurling Final
July 17: Fundraising Banquet with Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh
July 17/18: Golf Classic, Charleville Golf Club
July 19: 5Km Walk/Run, Doneraile Park
For more information about the injury fund and to make a donation log on to Follow @dfitzinjuryfund on Twitter and like the official Dessie Fitzgerald Injury Fund Facebook Page.