Heaven Knows We're Miserable Now

And with good reason, after last night's heartache against Austria, but momentary distraction was provided by an unexpected presenced in the Aviva Stadium.

Heaven Knows We're Miserable Now

There wasn't much to celebrate following last night's heartache against Austria, but momentary distraction was provided, at least, by an unexpected presenced in the Aviva Stadium.

(Picture: FAI via Twitter)

Yes, that is none other than Stephen Patrick Morrissey, pictured in the tunnel prior to the game with his long-lost cousin Robbie Keane.

And yes, you did read that right - the former Smiths singer's Irish heritage is well documented, but it turns out that he and Keane are actually related.

The most famous quiff in showbusiness last month revealed in a blog post that having traced his family tree, his dad and Keane's granddad are cousins.

"In filial terms the Irish blood, English heart genetic between Robbie and I is evident – his chin is my chin, my chin is his," Morrissey wrote.

"Robbie was raised on Captains Road (as was my mother) in Crumlin (Dublin), before he was shipped out to Tallaght."

Morrissey broke the news to Robbie - who was as surprised as any of us - last month, when he turned up pitchside at an LA Galaxy game in the States.

"He is a gentleman of the highest caliber (or, if you must, calibre), and to watch him on the pitch – pacing like a lion, as weightless as an astronaut, is pure therapy," the lyricist waxed.

"Robbie, the pleasure, the privilege is mine.”

Meanwhile, one-time Smiths axeman Johnny Marr is also in town with a gig at the Academy tonight, naturally leading some people to put two and two together and come up with ZOMG A SMITHS REUNION!!!!

We won't be holding our breath, but stranger things have happened (see: 'Morrissey being Robbie Keane's cousin', for example).

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